Alex Calder - Strange Dreams
Mac DeMarco、さらにThe Courtneysのドラムス/ボーカルのJen Twynn Payneも在籍したというMakeout Videotapeの元メンバーであるカナダ・エドモントンのAlex Calder。Captured TracksからMac DeMarcoに続く新たなカナダの才能として注目された2013年のデビューEP『Time』に続いて、同年中にリリースされる予定であったファーストフルアルバム『Strange Dreams』が、ここに来てCaptured Tracksにカムバックを果たし、いよいよ来年2015年1月20日にリリース予定。同タイトルの『Strange Dreams』(name your price)が、埼玉のThe Boys Ageの新作『Tiger ! Tiger !』もリリースするアイルランドのLittle Leagueから今年2014年6月にすでにカセットでリリースされていましたが、Captured Tracksバージョンとは収録曲、曲順が若干異なる他、すでに公開されているタイトルトラックの"Strange Dreams"、もしくは他の楽曲についても別バージョンが収録されるかもしれません。尚、"Life Purpose"にはFreelove FennerのCaitlin Loneyがボーカルとして参加。 当店は今回もCaptured TracksからスペシャルエディションLP(カラーヴァイナル+スリップマット)も入荷予定。ちなみにAlex Calderは『Time』以降も別プロジェクトMold BoyとしてBandcampに多数の作品を公開しています。
Alex Calder,
Captured Tracks
60 Best Albums 2014 [12 - 1]
12. Cherry Glazerr - Haxel Princess (LP/CD) [Burger]
11. The Primitives - Spin-O-Rama (750 Ltd LP) [Elefant]
10. Tape Waves - Let You Go (300 Ltd LP) [Bleeding Gold]
9. Ought - More Than Any Other Day (LP) [Constellation Records]
8. Beverly - Careers (LP) [Kanine]
7. Alvvays - S/T (LP) [Polyvinyl]
6. Parquet Courts - Sunbathing Animal (LP+7") [What's Your Rupture? | Mom & Pop]
5. Homeshake - In the Shower (LP/CS/CD) [Sinderlyn]
4. The Aquadolls - Stoked On You (LP/CS/CD) [Burger | The Aquadolls]
3. Fear of Men - Loom (500 Ltd LP) [Kanine]
2. Mac DeMarco - Salad Days (LP) [Captured Tracks]
1. Alpaca Sports - Sealed With A Kiss (LP/CD) [Dufflecoat | Luxury]
Best Albums [2014]
60 Best Albums 2014 [36 - 13]
36. The Lemons - Hello, We're The Lemons (CS) [Gnar]
35. Habibi - Habibi (LP) [Burger]
34. Craft Spells - Nausea (LP/BOX SET) [Captured Tracks]
33. Pharmakon - Bestial Burden (LP) [Sacred Bones]
32. Kevin Morby - Still Life (LP) [Woodsist]
31. Yong Yong - Greatest It's (500 Ltd LP) [Night School]
30. Naomi Punk - Television Man (LP) [Captured Tracks]
29. Palberta - My Pal Berta (150 Ltd CS) / Palberta - Shitheads In The Ditch (150 Ltd CS) [OSR]
28. Blank Realm - Grassed Inn (LP) [Fire]
27. Flowers - Do What You Want To, It's What You Should Do (LP) [Kanine]
26. The Coathangers - Suck My Shirt (400 Ltd LP) [Suicide Squeeze]
25. Mega Bog - Gone Banana (LP/CS/CD) [Couple Skate]
24. Amen Dunes - Love (300 Ltd LP) [Sacred Bones]
23. Woods - With Light And With Love (LP) [Woodsist]
22. Cold Beat - Over Me (LP/CS) [Crime On The Moon]
21. Protomartyr - Under Color Of Official Right (LP) [Hardly Art]
20. Perfect Pussy - Say Yes To Love (LP) [Captured Tracks]
19. The History Of Apple Pie - Feel Something (LP) [Marshall Teller]
18. Mr Twin Sister - S/T (LP) [Twin Group / Infinite Best]
17. Beach Day - Native Echoes (LP) [Kanine]
16. Ex Hex - Rips (LP) [Merge]
15. Tacocat - NVM (LP/CD) [Hardly Art]
14. Vesuvio Solo - Favors (100 Ltd CS) [Atelier Ciseaux]
13. The Yearning - Dreamboats & Lemonade (LP/CD) [Elefant]
Best Albums [2014]
60 Best Albums 2014 [60 - 37]
THE STONE RECORDSによる2014年のアルバム年間ベスト60作品。先に公開したシングル/EPの年間ベスト60作品[60 Best Singles / EPs 2014]と同様、今年2014年に当店で販売したアルバムの売上順位を基に、店主によるセレクトも幾分か加味して作成されています。一般的に日本の音楽ファンにも人気の作品の多くはここでは紹介されていないかと思います。メジャーレーベルの作品はもちろん、日本のレーベル/ディストリビューターが日本国内での流通権利を持っているような人気作品はそもそも当店では長らく取扱えていないからです。例えば、Topsの7"は当店でも人気でしたが、同じArbutusがリリースしたTopsのアルバムはそのような理由で海外のディストリビューターからは仕入れることが出来ず、ここには紹介されていません。ここではインディーの中でも特にインディペンデントなレーベルの作品を中心とした年間ベストアルバムを紹介させて頂けているのではないかと思います。尚、リイシュー、コンピレーション、デモ作品などは今回は除外しています。ちなみに、What's Your Rapture?がリイシューしたLife Without BuildingsのLPの当店年間売上順位は2位、そして今年最後の最後にリリースされたMiles Apartのクリスマス・コンピレーションは、予約販売開始から僅か2週間程で年間20位以内には間違いなく入る程の爆発的人気作品となっています。
60. Playlounge - Pilot (500 Ltd LP) [Dog Knights]
59. YOU. - Sunchaser (500 Ltd LP) [Dais]
58. Dum Dum Girls - Too True (LP) [Sub Pop]
57. Cousins - The Halls Of Wickwire (LP) [Ba Da Bing!]
56. Lost Tribe - Solace (LP) [Avant!]
55. Apostille - Perpetual Dirt (100 Ltd CS) [Goaty]
54. Pure X - Angel (LP) [Fat Possum]
53. Quilt - Held In Splendor (2000 Ltd LP) [Mexican Summer]
52. Wax Witches - Center Of Your Universe (LP/CS/CD) [Burger]
51. Hot Guts - Wilds (LP) [Avant!]
50. G. Green - Area Codes (300 Ltd LP) [Mt. St. Mtn.]
49. FF - Lord (200 Ltd LP) [Couple Skate]
48. Mozart's Sister - Being (LP) [Asthmatic Kitty]
47. The Memories - Hot Afternoon (LP) [Burger]
46. Girl Tears - Tension (LP/CS/CD) [Sinderlyn]
45. Keel Her - Keel Her (LP+CD) [Critical Heights]
44. La Sera - Hour of the Dawn (LP/CD) [Hardly Art]
43. Cassie Ramone - The Time Has Come (LP) [Loglady]
42. Juan Wauters - N.A.P. North American Poetry (Special Edition LP) [Captured Tracks]
41. Yuko Yuko - Babes (CD) [beko]
40. Witching Waves - Fear Of Falling Down (250 Ltd LP) [Soft Power]
39. Good Throb - Fuck Off (968 Ltd LP) [White Denim / SuperFi / Sabermetric]
38. Chris Weisman - Monet In The 90s (250 Ltd LP) [OSR]
37. Korallreven - Second Comin' (LP) [Cascine]
Best Albums [2014]
60 Best Singles / EPs 2014 [12 - 1]
12. Young Romance - Pale (250 Ltd 7") [Banquet]
11. Molly Nilsson - 'Solo Paraiso - The Summer Songs EP' (500 Ltd 10") [Night School | Dark Skies Association]
10. Perfect Pussy x Joanna Gruesome - Astonishing Adventures (Comic+7") [Captured Tracks | Slumberland | Fortuna Pop!]
9. Woods - Tambourine Light (1000 Ltd 7") [Captured Tracks]
8. Francis Lung - A Selfish Man (300 Ltd 7") [Atelier Ciseaux]
7. The Courtneys - Mars Attacks (500 Ltd 7") [Hockey Dad]
6. Bleached - For The Feel (7") [Dead Oceans]
5. Yacht Club - Tropicana (300 Ltd 7") [Burger]
4. Lia Pamina - How Come I (500 Ltd 7") [Elefant]
3. Fear of Men - Luna (300 Ltd Flexizine) [Art is Hard]
2. PEP - My Baby And Me (7") [PEP]
1. TOPS - Change Of Heart (7") [Arbutus]
60 Best Singles / EPs 2014 [36 - 13]
36. Trick Mammoth - Doll (77 Ltd 7") [Where It's At Is Where You Are]
35. Shunkan - Honey, Milk and Blood (50 Ltd CS) [Art is Hard]
34. The Popguns - Lovejunky (500 Ltd 7") [Matinee]
33. Kevin Morby - My Name (750 Ltd 7") [Suicide Squeeze]
32. Rain Paints - Cassette Tapes Club #3 (100 Ltd CS) [Miles Apart]
31. Curtis Harding - Keep On Shining (500 Ltd 7") [Burger]
30. The Courtneys - Lost Boys (CS) [Burger]
29. Love Cult - Know EP (300 Ltd 12") [Night School]
28. Ice Choir - Pure Holiday (7") [Cascine]
27. The Proctors - Kaleidoscope EP (7") [Dufflecoat]
26. Police Des Moeurs & Essaie Pas - Split (300 Ltd 12") [Atelier Ciseaux]
25. The Coathangers / These Arms Are Snakes - Sex Beat (7") [Suicide Squeeze]
24. Moss Lime - July First (200 Ltd CS) [Fixture]
23. Ought - Once More With Feeling (10") [Constellation]
22. Parquet Courts - Sunbathing Animal (7") [What's Your Rupture?]
21. Tashaki Miyaki - Cool Runnings (500 Ltd 7") [Tashaki Miyaki]
20. 平賀さち枝とホームカミングス - 白い光の朝に (CD+DVD-R) [Second Royal]
19. Night Flowers - S/T (300 Ltd 10") [Dirty Bingo]
18. The Memories - American Summer (300 Ltd 7") [Randy]
17. Homecomings - Homecoming with me? (10") [Second Royal]
16. Perfect Pussy - (I) (500 Ltd 7") [Art for Blind]
15. Marine Life - Fool Of A Kind (500 Ltd 7") [Elefant]
14. The Primitives - Spin-O-Rama (500 Ltd 7") [Elefant]
13. Cherry Glazerr - Had 10 Dollaz (750 Ltd 7") [Suicide Squeeze]
60 Best Singles / EPs 2014 [60 - 37]
THE STONE RECORDSによる2014年のシングル/EP(ミニアルバムも含む)の年間ベスト60作品。今年2014年に当店で販売させて頂いたレコード、カセット、CDの中から選出、お客様にご注文頂いた実際の売り上げをベースに、店主のセレクトも幾分か加味して作成されています。リリース時期による売り上げ順位の不平等をなくすため、11月と12月のリリースはややポイントを多めに計算していたりもします。なかなか国内外の主要メディアでは評価されることの少ないギターポップやガレージポップの作品が多数あったりと、当店ならではのオリジナルな年間ベストになっているのではないかと思います。
60. Panty Pantera - Cocodrilo (200 Ltd 7") [Discos Humeantes]
59. Audacity - Counting The Days (750 Ltd 7") [Suicide Squeeze]
58. Small Wonder - Wendy (CS) [Father/Daughter]
58. Lost Tapes - Rubber Bracelet (300 Ltd 7") [beko]
56. Youth Code - A Place to Stand (400 Ltd 12") [Dais]
55. Night Sun - No Pressure (7") [Burger]
54. The Debutantes - S/T E.P (100 Ltd CS) [Soft Power]
53. Souvenir Stand - Surprise (250 Ltd 7") [Beautiful Strange]
52. Superfriends - Cassette Tapes Club #4 (100 Ltd CS) [Miles Apart]
51. Brideshead - The Mermaid (250 Ltd 7") [Dufflecoat]
50. Warmhammer / Keel Her - Split (CS) [Suplex]
49. Gay - Blue Blue Heart (7") [Zoo]
48. September Girls - Veener (12") [Kanine]
47. Franny & Zooey - Bottled Up & Ready To Go (100 Ltd CDR) [Dufflecoat]
46. Heathers - Fear (250 Ltd 7") [Death Party]
45. Tape Waves - Stay All Night (7") [LebensStrasse]
44. Prostitutes - Nouveauree (12") [Night School]
43. Institute - Salt EP (12") [Sacred Bones]
42. Fa Bonx - Jilto Boy (7") [What's Your Rupture?]
41. J Fernandez - Memorize Now EP (300 Ltd 12") [Atelier Ciseaux]
40. Brave Radar - Message Centre (200 Ltd CS) [Fixture]
39. Just Handshakes - Kiwi (250 Ltd 7") [Bleeding Gold]
38. Cooper - Los Veranos Son Para Sonar (500 Ltd 7") / Cooper - UHF (750 Ltd 12"+CD) [Elefant]
37. Lost Tapes - Poetry Dates (500 Ltd 7") [Cloudberry]
Best Albums [NOVEMBER 2014]
30. The Verlaines - Hallelujah All The Way Home (LP) [Captured Tracks / Flying Nun] <2013>
29. Weed - Deserve (LP) [Couple Skate] <2013>
28. The Rich Hands - Dreamers (LP/CD) [Fountain] <2013>
27. The Shivas - Whiteout! (LP) [K] <2013>
26. V/A - A Christmas Gift For You From Elefant Records (LP/CD) [Elefant] <2012>
25. Me and the Bees - Fuerza Bien (LP) [La Castanya] <2010>
24. Puro Instinct - Headbangers In Ecstasy (1000 Ltd LP) [Mexican Summer] <2011>
23. FF - Lord (200 Ltd LP) [Couple Skate]
22. Hot Guts - Wilds (LP) [Avant!]
21. Witching Waves - Fear Of Falling Down (250 Ltd LP) [Soft Power]
20. V/A - Music On A Tape : Songs by Chris Weisman (200 Ltd CS) [OSR]
19. Blanche Blanche Blanche - Hints To Pilgrims (250 Ltd LP) [OSR]
18. Cassie Ramone - The Time Has Come (LP) [Loglady]
17. Marine Girls - Lazy Ways (CS) [Manufactured]
16. Medicine - Home Everywhere (LP/CS) [Captured Tracks]
15. The Yearning - Dreamboats & Lemonade (LP/CD) [Elefant]
14. Lost Tribe - Solace (LP) [Avant!]
13. Davila 666 - Pocos Anos, Muchos Danos (2LP/CS) [Burger]
12. Palberta - Shitheads In The Ditch (150 Ltd CS) [OSR]
11. Chris Weisman - Monet In The 90s (250 Ltd LP) [OSR]
10. Homeshake - In the Shower (LP/CS/CD) [Sinderlyn]
9. Mega Bog - Gone Banana (LP/CS/CD) [Couple Skate]
8. Ex Hex - Rips (LP) [Merge]
7. Bratmobile - Pottymouth (LP) [Kill Rock Stars]
6. The History Of Apple Pie - Feel Something (LP) [Marshall Teller]
5. Shiny Two Shiny - When The Rain Stops (LP/CD) [Captured Tracks]
4. Korallreven - Second Comin' (LP) [Cascine]
3. The Memories - Hot Afternoon (LP) [Burger]
2. Stockholm Monsters - All At Once (2LP+7") [Captured Tracks]
1. The Aquadolls - Stoked On You (LP/CS/CD) [Burger]
Best Albums [2014]
Best Singles / EPs [NOVEMBER 2014]
24. Belle Ghoul - Saturday Knife Fight (500 Ltd 7") [Elefant] <2013>
23. The Coathangers & Nu Sensae - Split (750 Ltd 7") [Suicide Squeeze] <2013>
22. G A L P A L S - For Our Sake (250 Ltd 7") [Howling Owl] <2013>
21. Hysterics - s/t (500 Ltd 7") [M'lady's] <2011>
20. Marina & The Diamonds - Oh No! (7") [679] <2010>
19. Hunx / Cassie Ramone - LAMC # 5 (1000 Ltd 7") [Famous Class] <2013>
18. Zipper - The Worst Day Of The Week (250 Ltd 7") [Dufflecoat]
17. Palms On Fire - Cars EP (100 Ltd CDR) [Dufflecoat]
16. Speedy Ortiz / Chris Weisman - Lamc No. 14 (7") [Famous Class]
15. Neleonard - Agosto (500 Ltd 10") [Elefant]
14. Belle Ghoul - Rabbit's Moon & Doomsday (500 Ltd 10") [Elefant]
13. The Coathangers / These Arms Are Snakes - Sex Beat (7") [Suicide Squeeze]
12. Wolf Girl - Mama's Boy (100 Ltd CS) [Soft Power]
11. The Courtneys - Mars Attacks (500 Ltd 7") [Hockey Dad]
10. Cherry Glazerr - Had 10 Dollaz (750 Ltd 7") [Suicide Squeeze]
9. Audacity - Counting The Days (750 Ltd 7") [Suicide Squeeze]
8. September Girls - Veener (12") [Kanine]
7. The Popguns - Lovejunky (500 Ltd 7") [Matinée]
6. Marine Life - Fool Of A Kind (500 Ltd 7") [Elefant]
5. Cooper - UHF (750 Ltd 12"+CD) [Elefant]
4. Cooper - Los Veranos Son Para Sonar (500 Ltd 7") [Elefant]
3. Ice Choir - Pure Holiday (7") [Cascine]
2. Brideshead - The Mermaid (250 Ltd 7") [Dufflecoat]
1. Perfect Pussy x Joanna Gruesome - Astonishing Adventures (Comic+7") [Captured Tracks]
投稿 (Atom)