Something Beautiful (CD)』のリリースに合わせて6月上旬頃を予定しております、そちらも引き続き予約販売受付中、尚、下記リストにはありませんが、先日極少数(10枚程?)のみ突然販売されたThey Go Boom!!, Aberdeen, Red Sleeping Beautyの初期7"はまだ少し当店在庫ございます。
受付期間:5月19日-6月15日(火)※受付け終了しましたSunday Records在庫リストhttps://www.sundayrecords.com/discography.html006 The Sweetest Ache - Sweet Soul Sister 7"
007 Bulldozer Crash - Automatic Smile 7"
013 The Pristines - Souls To The Devil 7"
015 Fruit - Never Lost 7"
018 The Pristines - Kimberley Somebody 7"
019 Mosaic Eyes - Europe Not So Far...7"
020 Slumber - Holy & IV 7"
022 Dolores Haze - Birthday 7"
023 Mrs Kipling - Change 7"
026 Fruit - Deep Water 7"
028 Oporto - French Blue 7"
033 Watercolor Sunset - International Pop 7"
036 Sugarplant - Window Pane (Orange Vinyl) 7"
045 Kitten Factor - Surround 7" double singles
850 Songs About Our Past (Vol 2) "Rolling Meadows" 19 songs CD"
880 Sunny Sunday Smile (Vol 2) 21 songs CD"
890 Safe Home - Travel In Time CD"
900 Mumbles - Breaking Up CD"
920 Insta CD - Checklist For Love CD
930 Safe Home - You Can't Undo What's Already Undid CD"
940 Insta - Horn Rim Fury CD"
950 The Liberty Ship - Small Lives CD"
Safe 1 - Safe Home - Aries Limited 7"
860 I Started A Joke CDep" (Re-issue/new sleeve June 2018)
960 Red Sleeping Beauty - Always On Your Side CDep" (Release June 2018)
970 Songs About Our Past (Vol 3) CD" (Release June 2018)
Sunday Records at THE STONE RECORDS